Lena Conlan, Co-Owner and Co-Founder

Lena Conlan, Co-Owner and Co-Founder

Posted on: March 4th, 2012 by maryas

Lena is a proud Swede even if the US has been her main address for the last 35 years. She has been active in outdoor related activities since childhood. Her family operated Camp Sparreviken – a YMCA sailing and canoeing camp on the Swedish west coast for many years.

Lena has a teaching degree from the University of Umeå, Sweden. Her love of travel and adventure drew her to the U.S. 1985 – where she ended up teaching for NOLS (the National Outdoor Leadership School). After years of travel covering four different countries as NOLS Sea Kayaking program coordinator, it seemed only natural to return to Scandinavia and start her own adventure business. Lena is the master planner behind the many trips and expeditions Crossing Latitudes offered for 20 years.

Now a days Crossing Latitudes and Lena is sponsoring NOLS Wilderness Medicine courses such as Wilderness First Aid (WFA), Wilderness Advanced First Aid (WAFA) and Wilderness First Responder (WFR) courses all over the world. Lena is a Wilderness EMT and have been part of the Bozeman Search & Rescue team. Lena has been teaching for NOLS Wilderness Medicine since year 2000.


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