AHA or Svenska HLR Rådet CPR / AED

AHA or Svenska HLR Rådet CPR / AED

Posted on: March 20th, 2017 by lena

Please contact us to book your own course. We can come to your office, your home, your club …

Crossing Latitudes instructors are trained at the American Heart Association and the Swedish CPR Association (Svenska HLR Rådet).

When did you take a CPR class last?

Knowing what to do will help you all to feel comfortable and confident if someone suddenly collapses or chokes. It could be your best friend or a co-worker. Sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone at any time. Many people appear healthy with no known heart disease … and then it suddenly happens!

In order for this very important skill to stick – one has to practice. If our course dates don’t fit your schedule … you decide when and where! We can come and teach in your store, at your gym, your lumberyard, restaurant or bank. Morning, mid-day, afternoon or evening – you decide!

Please, join us for an American Heart Association Heart Saver CPR & AED course … eller en HLR kurs med Svenska HLR Rådet!

We also teach AHA Basic Life Support for Healthcare providers – in Europe. 

Best regards,
Lena Conlan   Phone USA: +1-406-585-5356   Phone Europe: +46-70-670 1153   Email: info@crossinglatitudes.com

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